Information about Tinnitus

Dr. David R. Wilkinson
Gulfshore Urology
What is Tinnitus?
Sometimes referred to as “ringing” or “buzzing” in the ears, Tinnitus is the perception of sound where there is no external sound source present. Some people describe the sound that they are perceiving as a hissing, roaring, whistling, chirping or clicking. Tinnitus can come and go (intermittently), or can be constant. It can also present with single or multiple tones, and the perceived volume can range from quite to very loud.
What causes Tinnitus?
While the exact physiological cause or causes of tinnitus are not known, there are a number of factors which are known to trigger or worsen tinnitus symptoms:
- Noise Exposure
- Head and Neck Trauma
- Hypo or Hyperthyroidism
- Lyme Disease
- Fibromyalgia
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- Tumors
- Wax
- Jaw Misalignment
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Ototoxicity
- Caffeine Intake
How does tinnitus therapy work?
The goal of tinnitus therapy is habituation, or the process of “ignoring” a stimulus without exerting any conscious effort.
Is there a link between hearing loss and tinnitus?
Approximately 90% of people with tinnitus also have hearing loss. This is not surprising because both conditions involve the ear and the brain. Untreated hearing loss can lead to more than just tinnitus. It can leave you without the ability to understand speech.
How do tinnitus devices work?
The new tinnitus therapy devices allow us to treat just tinnitus, just hearing loss, or both at the same time with one device. Our computer software allows us to customize the device for the patient. Not everyone with tinnitus needs tinnitus therapy, some find that just correcting their hearing with a hearing device will alleviate their tinnitus. This is why the tinnitus evaluation is so important; this is not a one-size-fits-all treatment.
How much does it cost?
A device that can provide tinnitus therapy and/or correct hearing loss starts at just $999 per ear and can go up from there, depending on the amount of technology that the patient requires.
Want to know more?
Take our online Tinnitus test now! or Contact Us Today to schedule your Free In-Office Tinnitus Evaluation.
Southwest Florida’s #1 Hearing Center for Over 15 Years
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- Complimentary office visits for the life of the hearing device