How do you know what hearing aid brands would be right for you? The answer is simple: make an appointment at Decibels Audiology!
So, you know you need hearing aids. You’ve determined that you have hearing loss, either as a result of knowing and understanding the signs of hearing loss, or through the insistence of your loving spouse. And, as you may be aware, there are many hearing aid brands available on the market. Additionally, an array of technological levels exist in the vast world of hearing aids. So, what’s an interested party to do? Well, no worries — we’ve got you covered!
Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are designed to work to correct hearing loss and preserve hearing. They are in no way restorative. Though life changing and magical (in a way), hearing devices require a period of adjustment for most wearers. It requires dedication and a positive attitude on the part of the end user: you.
Let’s talk about you for a moment. Yes, it’s true — hearing loss is the pits. And, hearing loss *can* be difficult to accept, particularly as it relates to the aging process. However, here are three things to think about:
- Due to recent technological advances, hearing aids are minuscule, tiny, petite, wee. Virtually unnoticeable. That’s right, NO ONE WILL KNOW!
- EVERYONE else in your life probably wants you to get hearing aids. Preserve your relationships. Stop shouting: “What?!” all the time. And just get on with it. Which brings me to my last point,
- Hearing device decisions can and should be easy.
Hearing Aid Brands & Levels of Technology
“What?” you might ask. “How in the world can hearing aid decisions be easy? How am I supposed to figure out the best hearing aid brands? And, how am I supposed to decide on what technology to invest in? Moreover, how can I be sure I made the best decision for me?”
Here’s how decisions should be easy: with the help of your friendly, experienced, outstanding, local audiologist. You don’t have to figure out the brands. You don’t have to figure out levels of technology. BECAUSE that’s what we love to do FOR YOU! Based upon your individual needs, lifestyle, and budget, we can help you navigate the great big hearing device-iverse. (A.K.A. the hearing aid universe)
Yes, hearing aid brands are confusing. And yes, there are many available on the market today. However, it is VITAL that you choose to go to an audiologist that deals with a variety of brands and manufactures. A high quality audiologist should offer an array of options for brands, styles, and levels of technology. And, moreover, you should seek out an audiology practice that has access to the most advanced technology on the market.
To Sum Up
So, to sum up, here’s what you need to do to ensure you make wise decisions related to investing in hearing devices:
- Find a local, reputable audiologist who provides an array of hearing aid brands.
- Confirm this amazing audiologist has access to the most advanced, progressive hearing aid technology (i.e. the opposite of a big box store). And, perhaps, most importantly…
- Make 100% certain this audiologist cares about YOU, wants to develop a relationship with YOU, and can meet YOUR needs.
Wondering where to find such an amazing practice? Look no further than Decibels Audiology and Hearing Aid Center in Southwest Florida. We’re so excited to meet you and meet your needs. We’d love to get to know you, provide you with a FREE comprehensive hearing evaluation, and hang out over a cup of coffee and a chocolate chip cookie. Give us a call — we guarantee you’ll love us!